What is the basic program structure?

The Bachelor program requires you to successfully complete:

How many credits do I need to graduate?

You need a total of 180 ECTS to graduate. Most of these will come from compulsory and optional compulsory modules, with the remaining credits earned through your optional module, thesis, and oral exam.

What are Cross-Module Exams (CMEs)?

CMEs test your knowledge in the 5 fields you chose for Optional Compulsory Modules. You’ll need to pass written exams in 4 fields and one oral exam in a fifth field (not informatics, mathematics, or Methods of CogSci).

How can I have course X count towards module Y?

Say you found this fantastic course on neurotrophic factors in early developmental stages and wonder why this does not contribute towards your neurobiology module (it does so if and only if the IKW’s list of lecture says so). This may have different reasons. If the course is taught by a lecturer of this institute, then there are probably good reasons this course does not contribute to some specific module. For courses taught at other institutes, the lecturer may simply not be aware that this course is of interest to cognitive science students. I this case, follow these steps if you want to have this course accredited:

  1. contact the lecturer and ask if it was okay if cognitive science students participate in his course.
  2. If they approve, contact the members of the Studienkommision (StuKo) to have this topic on the agenda for their next meeting (usually this will be the first week after the semester starts for such topics)
  3. If they approve, the course will be added to the aforementioned list of courses and count towards the module.

What is the best way to keep track of my grades and credits?

Download our grade calculator spreadsheet. You can use this tool to input your courses, credits, and grades, and it will automatically calculate your progress towards graduation.

What if I fail an exam three times?

Unlike many programs, you won’t be kicked out of the CogSci program if you fail an exam three times.

When do I go abroad?

The semester abroad is typically done in your 5th semester, but you don’t need to worry about planning for it right now. We’ll provide more information on this later.

Who can I ask for help if I’m struggling with the program?

The Mentoring Team is your first point of contact for any questions or problems related to your studies. They can help you understand study regulations, create a study plan, or even address issues with lecturers. You can reach them during their weekly office hours or online.

Where can I find information about my courses and register for exams?

Stud.IP is the online platform used for course information, materials, communication, exam registration, and more. You’ll learn more about using Stud.IP during Freshie Week.

Where can I find information about the university and its services?

MyUOS is your central hub for all things university-related, from your student ID to accessing your university email. You can also find information about various university services like Uni Sports and the Language Center.

How can I connect with other CogSci students?

Join our Telegram and Discord groups! These are great places to ask questions, connect with fellow students, find study buddies, and stay up-to-date on social events.

What other opportunities are there for CogSci students at the university?

This FAQ covers some of the most common questions. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the Mentoring Team or the Student Body Counsel. Welcome to the CogSci family!